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This Windows Cursors for windows 95, 98, ME, Vista and windows XP
Double click on the My Computer icon, then double click on the C: Hard Drive icon. Double click on the Windows folder then Cursors folder. Create a new folder and name it what ever you like. We will call ours My Cursors for this tutorial. Double click to open your new folder, copy the cursors you want to add to the folder you just created. Now to add them to Windows so you can use them go to Start then Control Panel. For Windows 98 and ME, double click on the Mouse icon. For Windows XP,double click on the Printers and Other Hardware icon then the Mouse icon. Click on the Pointers tab. There you will see a list of cursor events under the Customize box. Click on to highlight an event use the Browse box below to navigate to the folder you created. The browse box will but you into the Windows\Cursors folder.
Open the folder that you has created and pick which ever cursor you want to use for that event. You can go through and add new cursors to each event if you wish.If you like,you can go up to Scheme and click Save As... to name your new scheme. .GOOD LUCK.... ;)
